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input/input_mp4: allow option to output and read dtsh headers from a different location

Eli Mallon requested to merge emran/dtsh-outfile-args into catalyst

Created by: emranemran

  • Add option --dtshOutputFile to specify output file if --headerOnly option is used. This arg sets the output location of the dtsh headers.
  • When an existing dtsh header is attempted to be read via readExistingHeader(), the url in --dtshOutputFile is used to read the header if it exists. If --headerOnly is not being used, then use the typical location to look for the headers.
  • If MistInMP4 is launched by shelling out, then the MST_ORIG_TARGET env var is not set - this var is set by MistOut* process (e.g. MistOutHTTPTS) and contains the output location of the output segments. This URL is used as the location of the source of any existing dtsh headers when MistIn* processes are started.

Merge request reports